Geographical Coverage:

Rupantar covers the whole of Bangladesh with greater emphasize to the north-western (Rajshahi – Rangpur Division) and south-western (Khulna and Barisal Division) part of Bangladesh along with capital.

Through development communication, the organization has the experience of covering whole of Bangladesh and also in abroad like, China, India, Sweden, Thailand and Lao PDR with development communication (cultural activities and theatre).

Head Office
19, Akbarabad Estate, Shirish Nagar,
Khulna-9100, Bangladesh

Program Highlights of Rupantar contributing to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)

SDG Goal 01- To reduce poverty Rupantar has been supporting necessary grant support of 2200 households an average amount BDT 25000 cash IGA through livestock- 01 (cow, goat, sheep), livestock 02(poultry), tailoring, beautician, agriculture-AgroSolution, fisheries- fish cultivation, Skill Development Training, Small and Medium Business who are living extreme poverty level.

SDG Goal 03 As a part of ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages, Rupantar has made the District Action Plan with the government district administration of Khulna district to reduce the child marriage and to achieve the indicator 3.1 & 3.2 by reducing the maternal mortality rate and ensuring proper healthy well-being of the people.

SDG Goal 04 Rupantar ensures inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. We have 100 trained facilitators. We are the first pioneering NGO for school theater education with 20,000 children and 100 schools. Rupantar is the first NGO in pioneering the initiative to open distance learning (ODL) working aligned with government issues.

SDG Goal 05 Rupantar has provided support to around 2000 women leader to practice their rights and flourish the women political empowerment process.

SDG Goal 06Rupantar has provided 34,000 families water and sanitation support to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation in Dacope of Khulna district and Shyamnagar of Satkhira district. 700 community based organization (CBOs) were trained on small-scale water resource management.

SDG Goal 08 To promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, an approximate  number of 150 vulnerable poverty-ridden community people were supported with Income Generating Activities training and further support in three districts.

SDG Goal 13 To achieve the goal 13 by taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts as part of climate change adaptation and bio-diversity conservation initiative, we provided awareness on adaptation to climate change and best practices for bio diversity conservation through action research to 300,000 people.

SDG Goal 16 To Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, to provide access to justice for all and build effective, ensuring accountable and inclusive institutions at all level, Rupantar intends to achieve all the 10 indicators mentioned in the Rio+20 outcome document. We have trained 10,000 elected local government officials, 15,000 community leaders and 500 local government bodies on service delivery, good governance and democracy respectively. We provided awareness to 325,000 people in 49 districts on human rights, violence against women and child. We also cover the important trafficking zones. We have initiated a consortium based activity called PEACE consortium to promote engagement and action to prevent violent extremism. Rupantar is also leading a coalition Stop Violence Coalition – SVC Secretariat for promoting social harmony

On Going projects


  • APARAJITA: Political Empowerment of Women, Phase III”. Supported by HELVETAS Inter Cooperation, implemented in Bagerhat and Khulna districts. The project period is from October 2018 to December 2022.
  • “Promoting Peace and Justice”- Khulna. Supported by Democracy International (DI), implemented in 39 unions of 5 Upazilas under Khulna district. The project period is from 10th June 2019 to 15th December 2022.
  • “Upholding Civic Engagement & Liberty through SDGs & Policy Instruments”. Supported by The Asia Foundation, implemented in Khulna districts. The project period is from 1st October 2019 to 30th September 2022.
  • “Strengthen the long-term resilience of marginalized populations to pandemic and other emergencies in Khulna City”. Supported by The Asia Foundation in Khulna City Corporation. The project period is from 13th December 2020 to 12th November 2021.
  • “Promoting Peace and Justice”- Jashore. Sup-ported by Democracy International (DI), implemented in 56 unions of 5 Upazilas under the Ja-shore district. The project period is from 1st June 2019 to 14th September 2021.
  • “APARAJITA- Political Empowerment of Women,” – Barisal. Supported by HELVETAS Swiss Inter Cooperation in Barisal districts. The project period is from 21 November 2019 to 31 December 2022.
  • “Promoting CSOs Engagement and Action Against Gender-Based Violence”. Supported by Counterpart Bangladesh in Khulna districts. The project period is from 20 November 2019 to 19 November 2021.
  • “Promoting Participatory Engagement to Strengthen Governance”. Supported by The Asia Foundation in Khulna City. The project period is from 15th June 2021 to 14th August 2022.


  • Preventing Extremism Through Active Community Engagement (PEACE) Consortium: PEACE Consortium supported and supervised by Country Strategy Mechanism (CSM) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh and supported by Global Community Engagement Resilience Fund (GCERF) envisions a violence-free society of resilient community fostering peace and harmony. Rupantar has been granted as the first PR of Bangladesh starting the project period from 01 July 2016 to 28 February 2022. The Consortium aims to facilitate the processes that foster peace and social harmony by maintaining a secular and syncretic culture where targeted communities autonomously per-form to prevent as well as counter-radicalization and recruitment for extremism. PEACE Consortium intends to contribute to building a resilient community through community intervention with strategic planning. The change agents will play their role in influencing community people while various activities under several initiatives will promote the age-long tradition and golden history of solidarity, brotherhood, social harmony, the secular and syncretic culture in-side the mindset of the community people. The main targeted groups of population are the youth.
  • “Partnerships for a Tolerant, Inclusive Bangladesh: empowering youth to counter threats of VE online messaging, fake news, and hate speech in Khulna”- supported by UNDP. The project duration is January 2020 to May 2021.
  • “CSO PVE Capacity Building in Bangladesh”– supported by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Bangladesh aiming to support a process of social dialogue to transformation in six unions of Khulna district and capture change and learning. The project period from 1st September 2020 to 28th February 2022.


  • “Enhancing Climate Resilient WASH in Dacope Upazila”- supported by WaterAid Bangladesh for implementation in Dacope Upazila of Khulna district aiming at WASH promotion in climate-vulnerable areas. The project period is from September 2017 to March 2022.
  • “Enhancing Climate Resilient WASH in Shyamnagar Upazila”- supported by WaterAid Bangladesh for implementation in Shyamnagar Upazila of Satkhira district aiming at WASH promotion in cli-mate-vulnerable areas. The project period is from October 2017 to 31st December 2022.
  • “Collective Responsibility, Action and Accountability for Improved Nutrition (CRAAIN)” supported by Concern World Wide, WaterAid Bangladesh/European Union for implementation in 4 Upazilas of Bagerhat district. The project period is from 01 January 2020 to December 2022.
  • “Building Climate Resilient Communities and Institution in Bangladesh with Sustainable WASH Intervention” supported by WaterAid Bangladesh for implementation in Shyamnagar Upazila of Satkhira district. The project period is from 1st March 2021 to 31st December 2021.
  • “Promoting Climate Resilient Water Supply & Sanitation in southwest Bangladesh (PCR-WASH)” supported by WaterAid Bangladesh for implementation in Assasuni Upazila of Satkhira district. The project period is from July 2019 to 31 March 2024.
  • Supporting COVID Recovery through Emergency Actions for Marginalized (SCREAM)- supported by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Embassy of Switzerland. This project is to be implemented in Khulna City Corporation, Batiaghata & Dacope Upazila under Khulna District and in Bagerhat Sadar, Mongla & Sharankhola Upazila under Bagerhat District as well. The project timeline starts from 1st July 2021 till June 2022.


  • “Empowerment of Children and Adolescents for Ending Child Marriage” is a UNICEF funded project being implemented in 9 unions of Dacope Upazila of Khulna District. The project period is from 15th November 2020 to 14th June 2021.
  • “Combatting Early Marriage in Bangladesh (CEMB) Project’’ is a Plan International funded project being implemented in 5 Districts. The project period is from 1st January 2021 to 31st October 2022.