Disaster management and climate change adaptation program was launched in 2007, right after cyclone Sidr hit at south-west coastal belt adjacent to the world’s largest mangrove the Sundarban. We have projects in prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery under disaster management and regular projects and emergency projects under climate change. Rupantar worked in early warning, assisting people to cyclone shelters followed by emergency relief and rehabilitation with financial assistance, provided livelihood, WASH, capacity building support to community and institutions.
Strategic approaches
- Rupantar’s governance approach aims to ensure that resources are managed responsibly for the benefit of local residents, women and the poor.
- Rupantar complements government of Bangladesh (GoB) effort in achieving the sustainable development goal (SDG).
- Inclusive in terms of gender parity.
- Program fits into GoB goal
David Regan – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Concern was thrilled to visit Rupantar’s Collective Responsibility, Action and Accountability for Improved Nutrition (CRAAIN)
- Key achievements
Through disaster management and climate change adaptation program 02 municipality model was development through sustainable waste management, 23 climate resilient sanitation facility installed, 04 improved sanitation facility installed at educational institute, 07 sanitation facility at health care facility (HCF) renovated, 04 rain water harvesting system (RWHS) installed at educational institute, 07 rain water harvesting system (RWHS) installed at health care facility (HCF), 01 underground rain water harvesting system (URWHS) and 20 rain water harvesting system (RWHS) installed, 01 reverse osmosis (RO) plant installed through WE-WE model,16 capacity building events held, 02 participatory ward vulnerability assessment (PWVA) carried out, 29 hygiene awareness session organized, 03 disaster management committee meetings organized at district level, 01 joint needs assessment training were given to network members and 01 learning sharing and coordination meeting was held. Through CLIMB project, we were successful in introducing new methods such as sack bag cultivation, tower garden, clay pitcher, drip irrigation using saline pipe to the farmers.
Our current projects
Enhancing Climate Resilient WASH for better Future in Shyamnagar and Kaliganj (EC WASH)
The project is implemented in Shyamnagar and Kaligang upazilas of Satkhira district, the most vulnerable, temperature fluctuations, saline intrusion, exposed and hard to reach areas of coastal region. The project was launched in April 2022 with an objective to enhance sustainable WASH access to community, health centers and educational institutions. The project contributes in developing knowledge, skill and capacity of community people to cope with adverse effects of climate change, maintain appropriate measure for water, sanitation and hygiene.
Our reach
- Direct – 24,200 with 14,200 Female and 10,000 Male
- We have introduced 03 water entrepreneurship for women empowerment (WE-WE) model at community.
- We have installed 01 underground rain water harvesting system and 02 climate resilient sanitation at Munda community
- We conducted 01 anticipatory ward vulnerability assessment (PWVA) that was effective
- WE-WE model is allowing 03 women groups to generate profit through water business and allowing community women spend less time in collecting water. Community people are receiving safe drinking water at nearest and at a reasonable rate of BDT 0.05
- 31 Munda community households are receiving access to safe drinking water within their community.
- 100% sanitation condition had improved.
- WASH knowledge and condition had improved for 5,600 community people, 12 education institution and 1 health center.
- More than 50,000 community people are receiving access to health services from 04 upazila hospital and community clinics.
- The community entrepreneurship model had allowed 03 small scale women entrepreneurs receive hygiene and menstrual hygiene materials (MHM) to support, run and expand their business. The objective was to ensure availability of MHM product at community level
- 03 WE-WE women group sell water with a 50% discount to 05 differently abled people and 20 extreme poor.
- 50,000 community people are receiving better services from 03 community clinics
- 03 WE-WE women group members established as entrepreneurs
Promoting Climate Resilient Water Supply and Sanitation in Southwest Bangladesh (PCR WASH)
PCR WASH project was launched in April 2022 implemented in Assasuni upazila in Satkhira district the most vulnerable, exposed and hard-to-reach areas of coastal region. The overall objective of the project is to enhance sustainable WASH access for people at community, health centers and educational institutions effected by cyclones, temperature fluctuations, saline intrusion. The project aims to develop knowledge, skill and capacity to cope with adverse effects of climate change and maintain appropriate measure for water, sanitation and hygiene.
Our reach
- Direct – 2,57,000
- We have introduced 06 water entrepreneurship for women empowerment (WE-WE) model at community level.
- We have installed 20 Rain Water Harvesting System (RWHS) at educational institute located in climate vulnerable and water scarcity area.
- We have constructed sanitation block with menstrual hygiene management facilities in 09 educational institute.
- Fifty-four women have been developed with entrepreneurship skills. These women are receiving economic benefit from small water business.
- Access to safe water ensured for students’ teachers in 20 educational institutes who were previously exposed to unsafe water or water scarcity.
- Adolescent girls’ students are practicing Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in their institutes.
- Women in specific communities, where 10 reverse osmosis plant are installed can collect water in short period of time comparing to earlier situation.
- Participation of women in the decision making process in family and community have increased.
- MHM facilities are ensured in 09 education institute and parents are sending their adolescent girls to school regularly.
Women entrepreneurship approach (WE-WE approach) have developed women entrepreneurs for operating climate resilient water technologies and managing small water selling business. This allowed women entrepreneurs to take part in the decision making process in family and in community setting.
- 92,798 people reached with water service in community, educational institutes and community clinic through climate resilient water technologies.
- 90,229 people are benefited with improved sanitation facilities in educational institutes and community clinic.
- 03 women from WE-WE group received government recognition through Joyeeta award.
Breaking Barriers: Empowering dreams of Menstruating Girls in Bangladesh
The project is implemented in Shyamnagar upazila under Satkhira district. The project was launched in July 2022 and will end in April 2025, with objective to empower adolescent girls and young women (10-24) on menstruation, promote menstrual health and hygiene management by creating an enabling environment. The project aims to improve hygiene practice and develop capacity building.
Our reach
- Direct – 26,807
- 108 adolescent girls are working to enhance knowledge on menstrual hygiene management (MHM)
- We provided support to 6 educational institutions with MHM facilities
- 5,304 adolescent girls received messages on (MHM and the practice had increased substantially among them.
- School girls are receiving improved MHM facilities
- WASH condition had improved in education institutions
- Girl’s attendance had increased
- Through community entrepreneurship model the small scale women entrepreneurs received MHM materials to run and expand their business. The objective of the activity was to ensure the availability of MHM product at community level
- After receiving MHM message adolescent girls are also sharing those messages to other adolescent girls.
- 67% adolescent girls attendance had increased.
Community Led Innovation for Climate Risk Mitigation in Bangladesh (CLIMB)
CLIMB project is implemented in Sarankhola upazila of Bagerhat district with the goal to address saline intrusion through nature-based solutions. The main objective of the project is to strengthen adaptive capacity and climate resilience of vulnerable groups. The project was launched in August, 2022.
Our reach
- Direct – 728
Our stakeholders
Community people, youth, local elected bodies, government officials, political leaders, women leaders, union parishad, upazila parishad, local government administration, RO group members, school management committee, health care facilities (HCF), local government institutions (LGIs), local elites, DPHE, upazila education department, local NGOs, private sector platforms and lal teer seed/BRAC seed
With support from WaterAid Bangladesh GO4IMPact project was launched on 1 April 2024. The goal of the project is to strengthen local government institutes and improve equitable climate-resilient basic public service provision in the water and solid waste management sectors. The project is implemented in Khulna division, Satkhira district in Shyamnagar, Satkhira Sadar, Assasuni Upazillas.
Reducing pollution and improving the ecology of the Sundarbans mangrove forests and their zones of influence in Bangladesh
The project had phased in on 01 June 2024 with a goal to address the people affected by pollution in the Sundarbans area, develop a sensitive and effective anti-pollution system to protect the Sundarbans. The project is implemented in two divisions including Khulna and Barishal, five districts and in 17 Upazillas. The project is supported by HELVETAS Intercooperation gGmbH Germany.
Supporting cyclone Remal affected communities in south-west coast, Bangladesh
Rupantar on 01 July started implementing Supporting Cyclone Remal Affected Communities in South-west Coast, Bangladesh project. The project is implemented in Khulna and Satkhira and supported by NEAR (Network for Empowered Aid Response)
Development partners
- WaterAid Bangladesh
- CARE Bangladesh
HELVETAS Intercooperation gGmbH Germany
NEAR (Network for Empowered Aid Response)